Tips for Efficient Energy Usage: Saving on Household Bills in the UK

Discover tips to save money on your household bills in the UK by using energy efficiently.

May 25, 2023
Tips for Efficient Energy Usage: Saving on Household Bills in the UK hero
Foxi - Budget Planner & Tracker


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The UK has some of the highest energy bills in Europe due to the use of both natural gas and electricity, so it’s important to take steps to reduce your energy consumption and save money. Here are some tips to help you become more energy-efficient and get the most out of your energy bills.

Invest in Insulation

One of the most effective ways to save energy and money is to invest in insulation. Insulation keeps your home warm during the winter months and cool during the summer months, resulting in less energy use overall. The UK government have various schemes in place to assist with the costs of installing insulation, such as the Green Deal. This scheme enables homeowners to take out a loan for the cost of the insulation and repay it back over time from the savings they make on their energy bills.

Update Your Appliances

Older appliances are often large energy-users, so replacing them with newer, more energy-efficient models can save you money in the long run. Look for the energy rating label when choosing a new appliance, as this will indicate how much electricity or gas the appliance uses in comparison to other models. An A rating typically indicates the most efficient energy use.

Get Smart

Technology can help you to save on your energy bills too. Smart meters are becoming increasingly popular and offer a range of features which let you monitor and manage your energy use more effectively. Smart thermostats are another great way to save energy; they learn your heating preferences and can regulate your home temperature.

Save on Your Bill

There are a number of ways that you can save money on your bills, such as switching to a different energy supplier or switching to a dual fuel tariff. You may even be able to get a cheaper deal from your current supplier if you’re willing to negotiate. Shopping around for a better deal can save you hundreds of pounds each year, so it’s worth looking into.

Unplug Your Electronics

A lot of energy is wasted when electronics are on standby, so it pays to unplug them when they’re not in use. This applies to TVs, DVD players, chargers and other gadgets. It’s not necessary to unplug your refrigerator or freezer as these appliances use minimal energy when in standby mode.

Spare Room Care

If you have a spare room in the house, it can be tempting to heat it even when it’s not in use. However, this is a waste of energy, so keep the thermostat low in unused rooms and ensure that the window is shut to minimise heat loss. You might also consider partially blocking off the room with furniture or curtains, as this can help to ensure that the heat stays where it’s needed most.

By taking these steps, you can make sure that your energy bills remain as low as possible. You will also be helping to reduce your carbon footprint and doing your bit for the environment.

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