How to Save for a Home Deposit in the UK

Learn the best tips for saving for a home deposit in the UK.

May 24, 2023
How to Save for a Home Deposit in the UK hero
Foxi - Budget Planner & Tracker


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Saving for a home deposit can seem like a daunting task, but it is something that can be managed with some dedication, discipline and the right advice. Here, we’ll look at the steps to take in order to save for a home deposit and make the transition from renting to owning your own home.

Prioritising Your Savings

The first step towards saving for a home deposit is to look at your current financial situation, and work out how much you can afford to commit to saving. Prioritising your savings is essential - you’ll need to look at your budget and see what expenses you can cut in order to free up some money for your savings target. It’s also essential to think ahead - the earlier you start saving, the less pressure you’ll be under to get the money together quickly.

Set a Target

It’s essential to set a realistic target when saving for your home deposit. Consider the size of the deposit you need and the cost of the property you want to buy. Different lenders will have different deposit requirements, so you’ll need to make sure you’re saving enough to meet their requirements.

Choose the Right Savings Account

Once you’ve set your target, it’s time to decide which savings account you want to use. The best savings accounts for home deposit savings are those that offer a good rate of interest and are easy to access. You’ll also want to look for an account that doesn’t have high withdrawal fees or monthly charges.

Also consider whether you want to save your deposit in a lump sum, or in a phased approach. If you’re saving in a lump sum, a fixed-term account may be the best option, as these often offer the highest interest rates. If you’re in no hurry to access your money, you could also consider investing your money in stocks and shares.

Maximise Your Savings

Once you’ve decided where to save your money, there are several ways you can maximise the amount you save. Have a look at your budget, and see if there are any areas where you can cut back in order to free up more cash for your home deposit. You could also consider getting a side hustle to make extra money to put towards your savings.

Finally, take advantage of any help and support offered by the government. The Help to Buy scheme, for example, is a government backed scheme that provides support to first-time buyers. It’s worth looking into as you could be entitled to additional support or incentives.

Sticking to Your Plan

Whilst it’s essential to plan properly and set realistic goals, the most important step is to stick to your plan. Ensure you’re putting away enough money each month to make a meaningful impact, and track your progress regularly so you can stay on track.

It may also be helpful to set regular reminders or rewards. Setting yourself targets such as ‘save £500 by the end of the year’ can help to stay focused, and reward yourself when you hit checkpoints so you feel motivated to keep going.


Saving for a home deposit can seem daunting, but with the right steps and perseverance it is more than achievable. Start by prioritising your savings and setting realistic targets, and then choose the right savings account for you. Make sure you’re maximising your savings by cutting back and taking advantage of all available incentives, and remember to stay motivated by tracking your progress and rewarding yourself at points along the way. Good luck with your savings journey!

Foxi - Budget Planner & Tracker


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