How to Budget for Vehicle Ownership and Maintenance in the UK

Saving money while owning a car in the UK - learn how to budget for car ownership and maintenance.

May 25, 2023
How to Budget for Vehicle Ownership and Maintenance in the UK hero
Foxi - Budget Planner & Tracker


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The cost of owning and maintaining a vehicle in the UK has been rising each year. With the cost of fuel, insurance, servicing and repairs, it can sometimes seem like owning a vehicle is an expensive proposition. However, with some careful planning and budgeting you can make sure you get the most out of your vehicle without spending a fortune.

Work Out What You Can Afford

Before you purchase a vehicle, you should always work out what you can afford to spend on the purchase price and running costs. If you're planning to buy a new car you should also factor in how much it will depreciate in value once you have it. It can be helpful to draw up a budget for yourself to work out what you can realistically afford to spend.

Get the Right Insurance

It is compulsory in the UK to have insurance on any vehicle you own, so it is important to make sure you get the right cover at the right price. When shopping around for insurance, make sure you compare from different insurers and pick the one that offers the best value for money. Some policies may cover you for basic maintenance costs so it's worth checking that out too.

Calculate All the Other Costs

In addition to the cost of purchasing the car and ensuring you have the right insurance, there are a lot of other expenses to consider such as road tax, fuel, maintenance and repairs. It's important to take all these into account when budgeting as they can soon add up and significantly affect how much you spend on vehicle ownership.

Budget for Servicing Costs

Having your car serviced on a regular basis is essential to keep it running smoothly. Most manufacturers and garages will tell you when you need to have it serviced and how much it will cost. Make sure you budget for this regularly as it can be expensive and should not be overlooked.

Make Use of Discounts and Offers

When it comes to maintaining your vehicle there are often a number of discounts and offers available which can help to reduce the costs. Many garages will offer discounts on labour costs to regular customers, so it is worth checking out if you are a loyal customer of any particular garage. There are also manufacturer discounts available on parts so it's worth shopping around to find the best deals.

Prepare for Unexpected Expenses

No matter how well you maintain your vehicle, at some point you may have to face an unexpected repair or replacement cost. It can be difficult to anticipate when these costs will arise, so it's important to save money and make sure you have some emergency funds set aside for these costs.


Owning and taking care of a vehicle can be expensive, but with careful budgeting and using the right discounts and offers you can ensure that you get the most out of your vehicle without breaking the bank. Make sure you calculate all the costs involved in vehicle ownership, from buying the car to insurance, fuel, servicing and repairs. It is also important to set aside money for those unexpected costs and always compare the best offers from different insurance providers.

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